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Consult • Design • Print • Install

Custom Wallpaper

If you're seeking a particular aesthetic to enhance a space and can't quite find it, we've got you covered. We do all the heavy lifting for you, making decorating your space with custom wallpaper simple.

The Process

After the initial consultation, we will forward to you copies of sketches produced as well as a proposal outlining the next steps to take in the custom mural design process, including their associate costs. Our Creative and Design team is here to assist in fulfilling your custom wallpaper design request. We have talented artists with years of experience and know-how at your fingertips. Provide us with your design ideas and we will help turn your concept into an amazing piece of art.

Design From Scratch

Bespoke Wallpaper Design
Do you have an idea but don’t quite know how to go about creating it? Or maybe your just have a couple colors but no definitive design? Work side-by-side with our team of experience designers to get your ideas on paper, “literally”. Commission a custom mural today and let’s create art with wallpaper, because bare walls are boring. Let’s bring color and joy back into our lives!

Custom Murals

Send us a detail design, photograph or illustration and we can create a stunning custom wall mural that will stop people in their tracks.


Collaborate with our talented design team and watch your idea and vision come to life.

Custom Repeats

Work with your Designs. Send us a detail design, photograph or illustration We can take your design elements and motifs and create a seamless repeating pattern. Repeats are the most common and versatile form of wall covering design.

General Inquiries, Order & Products

We are always happy to help and answer any of your questions.

M-F 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sat & Sun - Closed